I consistently work to develop content which I hope will be valuable to you during your personal growth journey.
How to Destroy Your Marriage
Want to ruin your marriage? Nowadays, more and more people seem to be doing all the things necessary to destroy their sacred partnership. Whether they want to admit it or not, they hold a consumer mindset and thus end up treating their spouse as a disposable commodity. Knowing what to avoid is key to maintaining your covenant and keeping your promises.
The Ways An Abusive Relationship Might Positively Benefit Your Future Relationships
The effects of an abusive relationship, whether the abuse was physical and/or emotional, can be quite profound. But, as you seek to begin moving forward, the abuse can guide you in ways which can be incredibly valuable.
Trauma and the Impact on Emotional Intimacy
If you have experienced trauma in your life, then it could mean you have never experienced real intimacy. This is because trauma rewires and reshapes the brain to view connection and closeness as threatening. But change is possible, and healing can happen.
The Various Moods of Bipolar
Bipolar is a neurological condition which leads to changes in mood. There can be episodes of mania in which a person can feel euphorically high and energized, or even intensely irritable and angry. There will, too, be periods of depression where they will feel extremely forlorn and may have thoughts about dying. Here are some of the symptoms which can manifest in the varying episodes.
Will Your Hardened Heart Destroy Your Marriage?
The bible warns us extensively about being watchful of our heart. We are told to not trust our heart as it is deceitful. Ultimately, the thing which will destroy your marriage is your own heart. So, ask yourself – what ground are you cultivating in your heart?
What’s Your Attachment Style?
There is a lot of discussion nowadays around attachment styles. Overall, things boil down to trust – can you trust yourself and can you trust others? Depending on the answer, certain behaviors will tend to flow from that belief.
Does Bipolar Cause a Change in Body Odor?
The odor which can be present in the months before a full bipolar episode actually begins can smell quite different and can be very unpleasant. It will be putrid and foul. It is not your fresh from the gym odor.
Three Lesser Known Symptoms of Bipolar
While certain symptoms of bipolar are more well-known and recognized, there are a few which exist but which tend to be not as widely acknowledged. If you know someone who has bipolar, if you wonder if you might have it, or if you suspect a friend or loved one has this diagnosis, here are some lesser-known symptoms.
Connection Rituals for Couples
Rituals of connection play an important role in maintaining a healthy relationship. Our connection to one another can grow deeper and more intimate if we are intentional about making an effort to keep turning towards one another.
Standing Firm in Faith When You’re Feeling Down
When you’re in the midst of despair, when things seem unbelievably bleak, it helps to lean into God and to stand firm in His word. During times of darkness, it can help to run toward Him - perhaps like you never have before.
Guiding Principles to Follow When You Are Standing for Your Marriage
Stand strong and firm. Decide that you will NEVER give up on your spouse or your marriage. Decide you will have faith and know that with God all things are possible.
Committing to Marriage Vows and Why It Matters
When it comes to marital vows you are essentially saying “I am not leaving. Ever. No matter what.” The ships are burned. The exits are eliminated. We are in this together and forever.