The Various Moods of Bipolar

Bipolar is a neurological condition which leads to changes in mood. There can be episodes of mania in which a person can feel euphorically high and energized, or even intensely irritable and angry. These episodes can also include symptoms of psychosis such as delusions, false beliefs, and paranoia. There will, too, be periods of depression where they will feel extremely forlorn and may have thoughts about dying. Bipolar disorder is a chronic condition which requires medical intervention and which, if left untreated, can be expected to worsen as the individual ages.

Here are some of the symptoms which can manifest in the varying episodes:


Severe Mania: In an episode of severe bipolar mania there will tend to be a lack of good judgment. There will be impulsive decision making. There could be delusions, there can be hallucinations, and paranoia might be present. Sleep can be disrupted, and behavior can be reckless. This can be a period of time where the diagnosed individual could end relationships, leave jobs, and cause a grave level of destruction in their life and in the lives of those close to them.


Moderate Hypomania: An individual in this case could have an inflated sense of self. They might feel superior to others. They can experience rapid thoughts and/or speech. You might notice them singing and dancing. They are talkative and charming.


Mild Hypomania: This can be a time of greater productivity. They will be optimistic and sociable. Energy is relatively high. You might notice that their highs seem a bit too high as compared to most people.


Normal and Balanced: There will be periods of time when the person will be stable. This can last for months or even many years. Life is going relatively okay, and their outlook will be mostly positive most of the time.


Mild Depression: There can be a withdrawing from social interactions. Slight agitation can be present. There is an increased risk of relying on alcohol.


Moderate Depression: The individual might notice it is challenging to focus and concentrate. Their thinking might be slowed. They crave more time alone. Energy levels are down regardless of how much sleep they get. Normal tasks become more difficult to complete.


Severe Depression: There will be an overwhelming sense of hopelessness. The person will desire solitude. They won’t want to participate in things which they used to enjoy. They see no way out. They may experience passive or active suicidal ideation. There is a high risk of using alcohol or other drugs to manage their mood and symptoms.


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