I consistently work to develop content which I hope will be valuable to you during your personal growth journey.
10 things to do when you’re anxious
Feeling anxious? Here are 10 ideas to help you when you feel anxiety is overwhelming you.
Can you take a compliment?
Nowadays we often hear about expressing gratitude - how it’s so great for our mental well-being. But hardly anyone talks about being the recipient of gratitude. While we might find it easy to give a compliment, we don’t quite know what to do with ourselves when we get one.
How Long Does Counseling & Therapy Take?
Change takes as long as it takes. And mental health tends to be far more nuanced than physical medicine. After all, there is no lab work to be done to assess your emotions, nor any surgical procedure performed which will remove your emotion-based symptoms.
Seeking Counseling as a Christian
You might be wondering: What does God think about me going to counseling? Should I just sit in my room alone, reading my bible and praying about it till I can figure it out on my own?
60 Ideas for Battling Binge Eating Using Distraction.
Did you know that distractions, if used thoughtfully and intentionally, can be therapeutically helpful and can be used to your advantage? It’s true! In fact, scientists confirm the positive utility of deliberate, purposeful distraction. Here are 60 ideas to get you started.
When Self-Care Increases Your Anxiety
Self-care can be a wonderful thing. And it’s become an increasingly popular trend, especially as the conversation about mental health awareness and wellness has spread. Maybe you gave it a try, and it did help reduce your worry and stress. But maybe it didn’t really seem to do much. Or maybe it seemed to make things worse. Is that even possible, you might wonder - can self-care actually increase your anxiety in certain cases? If this has been your experience, there are a few reasons why you might be having this reaction. And yes, there are some changes you can make in order to have self-care be more effective for you.